Sunday, May 20, 2018

Final Class Post

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Yyyyyyaaaayyyyyyy. This is my last and final assignment for the semester and I am DONE. This last week was so super stressful. My neck hurts from looking down at the computer so much. I think I'm going to make a spa appointment and shut off my phone for a whole day. I have to say the Wix portfolio was an awesome experience. I really loved it. One thing I would like to add is maybe there should only be one portfolio if the student is taking both class. I was starting to get them confused sometimes. Wix i have to say is way better than wordpress. My first semester was really hard. I am really looking forward to taking the summer off. Thank you professor for all the great resources you gave us. I can't wait to start using them when I start teaching. If I'm being honest, I thank God for EDIT 4300. That class was my fun class and it kept me sane.  I am finally going to get to start using my Macbook Pro. It has been in the closet sine I couldn't afford to learn all this new stuff while learning to use a new computer. I am new to Mac and I am looking forward to getting some experience. After being totally oblivious to most of the concepts presented this semester, i can say I am on my way to growing in the IDT field. Professor Kimberly, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and guiding us through the beginning of our program. I truly appreciate all the videos you took time to create with such passion and guidance. They were so helpful when things seemed to blur between classes. Thank you for your hard work and dedication in putting together such engaging courses. You are truly an inspiration professor. Thank You God, it's over.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

7th Post

My eyes are blurry, my neck hurts, my back hurts, I am so stressed out about these classes and projects. People are telling me everywhere if I'm tired because I look super tired. AHHHHH yyeeessss I'm tired. School is driving me crazy now. Maybe it's just that i see the finish line so close I want it to end. I just have to refocus myself and finish my assignments. I am sure glad the IDT project deadline was pushed back. I am having a little trouble understanding how we should submit the documents. I think we are almost done with our project so that's good. I don't have any experience with Google Classrooms so it was good to learn how to use it. It gave me a chance to see if the powerpoints would be easy enough for a novice to understand. I think this is a type of class that can be taught by someone who is an expert and just project everything they do on the screen and have the students follow. It was good to learn a new resource that will help me on the road to being an instructional designer. So much work still to be finished. Can't wait for it to end.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

6th Post

This assignment was very challenging. Not only did I have a hard time finding what to say but all that code makes my eyes roll around to the back of my head. It really is fascinating how all that font can make a beautiful website but man is it hard work. I think I finally got it down and submitted my assignment. I started using WIX and WEEBLY, I'm just not sure which one to go with. The website project is very intimidating but slowly i have started working on it. I have also started working and collaborating with my teammate on the IDT project. We were also paired up for the Learning Theory assignment and we worked very well together. I am looking forward to working with her again on this project also. The End Is Near. As I mentioned in my other blog. It's bitter sweet and totally frustrating having all these projects to turn in. Taking these four classes takes up most of my time after work. I was thinking about taking a class during the summer session so my Fall session wouldn't be so loaded but I think I need a long break. Besides I don't want to pay an extra $1,000. I'm leaning towards waiting till fall and having 4 classes again. Besides, looks like I'm going to survive these 4 classes.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

5th Blog Post

This week we had the group presentation project due. It's hard to work with groups sometimes but I want to thank Cindy and Terry for doing a great job. I think our presentation turned out great. It's hard working with other people sometimes but this presentation went pretty smoothly. I am trying to go through wix and weebly in preparation for our website project. It's a little scary but I think it will be fun. I am starting to feel a little rushed now that spring break is over. You were right professor, the days are just flying by. I enjoyed the discussion forum. Since we had to post about Web 2.0 sites I got lots of sites I could use. I made sure to write them down for future use.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

4th Blog Post

This week was so stressful. I had no idea what to make as my logo. Thank you professor for giving us more time. After I got an idea it was fun putting it together. I found a swirl tree in the online logo maker which inspired me. I created my own version of it on Photoshop. I added icons that symbolize what IDT is all about like self-directed learner, communicator, problem-solver, and critical thinker among others. I used Instructional Design Technology and formed it into a tree trunk. It was harder than I thought but finally I got it done. I was very lost this week as far as the learning theory assignment. It is proving very difficult to collaborate with my teams members as we are having a hard time getting in touch with each other. I thought the presentations were due this week so I was just going to submit what I had on Behavioral Leaning Theory. Luckily this weekend we communicated and I think the presentation is on its way. I had fun with the onlinelogomaker. There are so many ideas that one could use. All the graphic resources are great. I am going to have to learn how to use them during the summer when I have more free time. I still find myself having trouble with the reading assignments. Like you mentioned in one of the videos, there is a lot of reading. I have to admit that is the more difficult part of this class. Spring break might be coming up but I think I'm going to be busy getting ahead on the reading so I can understand the concepts and working on assignments. The work load is getting heavier so it's work work work time.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

3rd Blog Post

I was overwhelmed this week. The work load was alot more than the previous weeks. In class we used the Google forms to develop a quiz about what we had learned so far in class. That was pretty fun. I went through the posted tools that the professor gave us. Some of them are pretty cool. It's good to have many resources at hand for future use. The book we use for this class is a little harder to understand for me so it makes for having to re-read over and over again. The 3 chapter assignment is a little much for me as i struggle with reading. I consider myself a slow reader but I'm getting through it. I really like the assignments up at the top of the Module so I can see what is due. This way I can focus on the assignments and know when I'm done. This week I thought the only thing we had to do was sign up for a learning theory so I didn't work on it with my team mate. She reached out to me so we signed up for the Behavior Learning Theory. This next week is going to be more work on working with the group project. I definitely feel like I'm catching on but it's a little discouraging when I read all the post and my classmates seem to have a great grasp on everything they are doing. Some posts are so put together while mines lack more substance when it comes to the reading. I will definitely keep trying and put more effort towards putting out a better thought out post.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

2nd Blog Post

I have to say professor, I really missed the assignment videos you provided last week and for your other course. They make the assignments a lot easier to understand. I had a hard time looking for articles on the professional publications. One particular publication had more articles on the subject of interest I chose. I want to include something about positivity in my courses as i feel that a positive attitude helps student reach their goals. I found some interesting articles on giving feedback i think will help me when the time comes to give constructive feedback to my students. When I searched for the job postings i found i have no experience at all. I am starting from the ground up. I have to learn everything. I feel like I'm further behind from the other students because most of them seem to be in the teaching field already. They have some concept of teaching student already where I still have to learn that too. But I'm keeping a positive mind just like all those articles i looked up. I know the beginning can seem overwhelming but in the end I am staying positive that i can achieve my goal. Now i have that experience to share with my students when they feel overwhelmed at all the stuff I'm going to give them.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

1st Blog Post

EDIT 4520 1st Blog Post

This class is a little harder compare to the 4300. I had more trouble with this class. The timeline was particularly hard for me. I still haven't submitted it. I was working on it but didn't really understand what I needed to hand in. I will hand it in tomorrow. I will probably get a lower grade but I need more time to really understand it and work on it. Any want to quit now. With all these classes I feel super over whelmed and am contemplating quitting. Most of the material is brand new to me and it makes it very hand to understand. I have to read the material over and over again just to start understanding the new concepts I'm trying to learn. I will try and settle myself this week and try and get into the rhythm of the classes. Hopefully within a few days things will start to fall into place and I will get the hang of these assignments.